HP5 Plus 400 Black and White Negative Film, 120 Roll For Discount

If you are looking for a highly versatile and traditional black and white film, look no further! ILFORD HP5 PLUS is a panchromatic film designed for general use in a wide variety of shooting conditions. Exhibiting notably wide exposure latitude, it responds well to use in mixed and difficult lighting and provides medium contrast for greater overall control. It has a nominal sensitivity of ISO 400 27° when developed in standard black and white chemistry, and responds well to push processing.
Storage and handling: Load and unload film in subdued light. Store unexposed film in a refrigerator at 13°C (55°F) or lower in the original sealed package. To avoid moisture condensation on film that has been refrigerated, allow the film to warm up to room temperature before opening the package. Process film as soon as possible after exposure. Protect processed film from strong light, and store it in a cool, dry place.
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Additional Information
Type | Roll |